New Years Resolutions?

Hello All! December is such a funny month to me.
Many feel a great deal of pressure because of Christmas and then what is worse is that come January 1st we take a good long look at ourselves; generally focusing on the flaws and create resolutions for the New Year that are generally pushed by the way-side only to make us feel worse that we didn't keep them in the first place.

I suggest we all try to simplify the holiday. Lets shift the focus and take the opportunity to just reflect. Let us take a good long look at all the entire year, begin with all of the good that took place. Take time to reflect on some of the other milestones be they good, bad or somewhere in between and focus on how you may have felt when they happened and how far you have come now.

Rather then focus on an event focus on how you are feeling about it at the present time, how you have dealt with it and if possible let go of anything that may not be serving you at this time. If possible create or perform an existing ritual that you find to be very 'clearing'. I love to put my feet in the Ocean; even on a cold day and feel the salt water washing away the things that are bogging me down; the energetic matter that is clogging my field. It is important to remember to let go of that which is not serving you, and that which is not to your highest good. Sometimes even what we consider to be less good we will hang onto because we may not be finished with it yet.

There are of course many different ways to release energy, I love to use Reiki to shift and manipulate the energy, of course you can meditate or visualize this happening. Sometimes I love to write everything out; just to feel that release, you can then choose to keep or destroy the paper depending on what resonates with you. Everyone has a different way of 'letting go', and if you don't I encourage you to find your own way, whatever feels right with you.

So rather then focus on the bad; lets again take the time to see how far we have come this year and lets intend that whatever we may be hanging on to from the past year that is not serving us is released. Let it go and enter into 2010 feeling a little bit better!

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